

This journal of ecocriticism is a joint initiative of GIECO (Group for Research on Ecocriticism in Spain) and EASLCE. Its principal aim is to further the study, knowledge and public awareness ofthe connections and relationship between literature, culture and the environment. As a virtual space, it provides a site for dialogue between researchers, theorists, creative writers and artists concerned with and by the environment and its degradation. Its pages are open to contributionson all literatures and cultures, but its special mission is to reflect the cultural, linguistic and natural richness and diversity of the European continent.

Contributions, which will be subject to anonymous peer review, will be accepted in five languages, in order to increase visibility and broaden the participation of scholars who are not part of the English-speaking world.

Publication is open to scholars interested in ecocriticismfrom around the world. We recommend membership of EASLCE to our contributors and readers, but it is not a requirement for either.

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