Italo Calvino’s Animals – Anthropocene Stories – Serenella Iovino

Italo Calvino's Animals - Anthropocene Stories - Serenella  Iovino
Italo Calvino’s Animals – Anthropocene Stories -Serenella  Iovino

Are chickens going extinct? What is it like to be a white gorilla in Barcelona’s zoo? How threatening can be an ant? And how endangered are humans, in the industrial and capitalist biosphere? Italo Calvino’s Animals: Anthropocene Stories by Serenella Iovino (Cambridge UP) explores Anthropocene animals through the visionary eyes of a classic modern author. In Calvino’s stories, ants, cats, chickens, rabbits, gorillas, and other critters emerge as complex subjects and inhabitants of a world under siege. Beside them, another figure appears in the mirror: that of an anthropos without a capital A, epitome of subaltern humans with their challenges and inequalities, a companion species on the difficult path of co-evolution.

Free access available until 10 September

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Italo Calvino's Animals - Anthropocene Stories

Italo Calvino’s Animals – Anthropocene Stories – Serenella Iovino



Ecozon@ is a journal devoted to the relatively new field of literary and cultural criticism called ecocriticism. Ecocriticism can be broadly defined as the study of the representations of nature in cultural texts, and of the relationship between humans with other earth beings and their environment as seen in cultural manifestations. 


Arcadiana is a blog about the environment in literature and culture. It is hosted by postgraduate members of the European Association for Literature, Culture and the Environment (EASLCE).