Winner of the EASLCE Essay Prize, Călina-Maria Moldovan

Călina-Maria Moldovan, PhD student at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is the winner of the EASLCE Essay Prize. A jury consisting of members of the EASLCE Advisory Board decided to award the prize to Călina-Maria for her article “The Ocean in Contemporary Norwegian Literature”.

The article does, according to the jury, not only “comply with the formal requirements (European ecocriticism, length, etc.), but it also convinced with its topical relevance, cogent argument, and level of innovation. The focus on the blue humanities shows the author’s interest in current topics in the field of ecocritical research—the fact that the essay topic is in line with that of the upcoming biennial EASLCE conference being a timely coincidence, but not a decisive aspect. Moreover, applying this analytical lens to Norwegian literature is a welcome intervention, given that the majority of ecocritical research in Europe (still) focuses on Anglophone literature/cultural production.”

The Board congratulates Călina-Maria Moldovan and encourages her to submit her article for publication in EASLCE’s journal Ecozon@. The EASLCE Essay Prize consists of a stipend of 500 Euros to help cover the costs of attending the EASLCE conference Sea More Blue: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Blue Ecopoetics, taking place at the University of Perpignan, France, on June 17-20, 2024.

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Winner of the EASLCE Essay Prize, Călina-Maria Moldovan



Ecozon@ is a journal devoted to the relatively new field of literary and cultural criticism called ecocriticism. Ecocriticism can be broadly defined as the study of the representations of nature in cultural texts, and of the relationship between humans with other earth beings and their environment as seen in cultural manifestations. 


Arcadiana is a blog about the environment in literature and culture. It is hosted by postgraduate members of the European Association for Literature, Culture and the Environment (EASLCE).